Thyrostim ™ is a broad spectrum formula designed to provide key nutrients to support a healthy thyroid. The manufacture of thyroid hormones requires specific nutritional support, and Thyrositim™’s broad spectrum formula was designed to provide these key nutrients.
Thyroid Function
The thyroid gland is actually a collection of individual glands (follicles). Here, newly synthesized hormone is secreted into a central lumen prior to release into the bloodstream. In general, thyroid hormones refer to T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). Though T4 is the main product, T3 is 3 to 4 times more active. T4 (with 4 atoms of iodine) is converted to T3 (with 3 atoms of iodine) via peripheral tissues, especially the liver and lung. Parafollicular thyroid cells secrete calcitonin, a hormone employed in calcium and phosphate homeostasis. Calcitonin inhibits bone breakdown and accelerates bone calcium and phosphate uptake. Blood calcium levels control the secretion of calcitonin by a pathway independent of the pituitary gland. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and energy balance, as well as growth, development and activity of the nervous system.(1) Thyroid hormones stimulate carbohydrate and fat breakdown, increase protein synthesis, and increase the basal metabolic rate. Several factors, including low metabolic rate, falling blood pressure, and conditions that increase the need for energy such as a cold environment, hypoglycemia, pregnancy or high altitude, stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones regulate their production via feedback mechanisms on the hypothalamus/pituitary axis. Thyroxine completes a negative feedback loop by blocking the release of the trophic hormone thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). High blood levels of estrogens and androgens decrease TRH production and thus thyroid function. Aging generally decreases glandular processes, including thyroid function.
Nutritional Support
Iodine. The common form of iodine in foods is iodide. This is the reduced form of iodine. In thyroid tissue, follicles normally concentrate iodide 40-fold greater than blood concentrations. At maximal activity, the thyroid can contain up to 300 fold greater concentration of iodide than blood levels. Cells oxidize iodide to organically bound iodine, which is then chemically combined with tyrosine. Kelp is a natural source of iodine.
Size: 90 Tablets – Thyrostim
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