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Nebulizer – Video


Nebulized therapies target respiratory infections at the source. They are a great way to deliver medication directly to the sinuses and lungs. This is extremely useful in respiratory infections (both upper and lower) as the viruses, bacteria, and fungi that cause these infections usually enter our bodies through the mucosal tissue that lines the sinues and lungs. By delivering medication directly to these areas you can kill pathogens, reduce inflammation, and expedite healing directly in the tissues being affected. Read more about all the benefits of nebulizing medication here.

So how does nebulizing work? In this video, Dr. Anna Feagan demonstrates how to use a nebulizer to treat a respiratory tract infection. First, you want to make sure that your well and mask and/or mouthpiece is clean. We recommed cleaning your equipment by rinsing it under warm water for 30 seconds then laying it out to dry. Since the only thing running through the tubing is clean compressed air, you do not need to wash this part. We recommend each user of the nebulizer have their own mask/mouthpiece to prevent contamination. Oncer your equipment is clean, you will want to connect the tubing to the compressor, add your medication to the well, turn the machine on, and then simply breathe in through the mouthpiece or mask until the solution is gone.

You want to make sure you are only inhaling medications prescribed and instructed by your doctor. Common types of medications inhaled include steroids, antimicrobials, and certain nutrients – like iodine, glutathione, or magnesium- often with saline.  At BioMed Health Center we use specific natural formulas for nebulizing to treat specific conditions. Nebulizing can be used as a therapy for asthma, upper respiratory infections such as COVID-19, bronchitis, or COPD.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our doctors at BioMed to find out if nebulizing is a therapy that may be useful for you. If you want to learn more about our specific approach to treating upper respiratory viral infections, check out A Holistic Approach to Viruses by Dr. David Brownstein.