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Allergies – Video


Dr. Anna Feagan discusses what happens in the body during allergic reactions, causes of allergies, and the holistic approach to diagnosing and treating them. If you are interested in learning more about this condition, click here. If you are interested in setting up an appointment with one of the doctors at BioMed Health Center to assess your allergies, click here.

There are many at home treatments and remedies for allergies. Rinsing the nasal passages out daily using a neti pot is a great way to prevent and treat the condition. You can purchase your neti pot here. BioMed Health Center also offers a full sinus care package that includes not only a neti pot, but also supplements to support the immune system. Purchase our full sinus care package.

A good solution to indoor allergies are HEPA air filters. These can filter dust and mold in the home which are very common triggers. We recommend one of the following brands:



If you are having severe allergic reactions such as hives, difficulty breathing, or rashes – you may want to consider having allergy testing done with your naturopathic or conventional medical doctor. There are many types of allergy testing that may be performed, some of which are discussed in the video above. A conventional doctor or allergist will typically perform a skin prick test to see how your skin reacts to several common allergic triggers. A naturopathic doctor will typically run additional testing, examining through bloodwork food allergies, food sensitivities, and even inhaled allergies.